18 NSEG - the number of track segments 3787 2840 X_MAX, Y_MAX - maximum value of X, Y to be displayed 91 width - width of track 396 862 0 TRK_STRT_X, _Y, _ANG - coordinates and angle of right rail starting point 2980 2727 SCORE_BOARD_X, _Y - coordinates of scoreboard upper left corner 2761 1079 LDR_BRD_X, _Y - coordinates of leader board upper left corner 2704 1704 IP_X, IP_Y - coordinates of instrument panel upper left corner 2234 85 LOTIX, LOTIY - coordinates of track length message 0.8 2 FINISH, SR - fraction of 1st segment prior to finish line; Starting rows 1 PIT_SIDE - left (inside) 8686 9186 PIT_ENTRY, PITLANE_START - in feets from SF-line 100 300 PITLANE_END, PIT_EXIT - in feets from SF-line 40 PITLANE_SPEED - feets per second (approx km/h) 0 699.8924 -247.54 98 385.341 148 0 828.5087 385.341 148 -247.54 98 0 699.8924 351.304 130 398.105 79 0 218.0516 289.611 31.42 -312.424 110.42 0 56.92229 -312.424 110.42 289.611 31.42 0 218.0516 398.105 79 351.304 130 RADIUS LENGTH - NSEG repetitions of segment radius and length: (0 radius means a straightaway with length in feet. Length of curves is in degrees. Negative radius means right turn.) Track length: 1.797 miles.