2003 RARS Racing Rules
- Use portable ANSI C/C++ code, that will work with the current version of
RARS (v0.9).
- If your robot causes a problem with RARS, then it will be excluded from
the race.
- There is no restriction on the processing power, or memory used by the
robots YET! Please be reasonable in this area, because if RARS is
running at 1fps, then I will consider it a 'problem'.
- Submit as many robots as you like. You can have 1 robot drive more than
1 car, if there is space in the field.
- Ideally, all robots should be made public (so everyone can replay the
races). However, you can request that your code be kept confidential.
- They will be short 50mile (approx 0.5hrs) races.
- Initially, a surface of 1 will be used. However, I want to make this
value random (if the robots can handle it, then it will be).
- Each robot will be given 2 qualifying laps, and the entire field will
be inverted (fastest robot will start last). If this rule becomes
problematic, then a different starting order will be used.
- Hopefully, each race will have 16 - 20 robots (or more, depending on the
resources needed). If I don't get enough entries, then robots from the
RARS distribution will be added (see the initial list below).
- The tracks to be used will be decided by anyone who can read this (even
if you have not entered a robot). Also feel free to submit any new
tracks you may have (hopefully there will be a new track each week).
- The results will be posted on this list on the Monday, or Tuesday
following the race.
- The replay will be kept for only a week after the results have been
posted, so let me know if you want a copy.
- The races will take place each Sunday around 5pm (EST). I will check my
mail before the race, so if your robot is there, then it can compete.
Please try to avoid the deadline, because 'around' may be as much as
What to submit
- Compress the source file (.c, .cpp, .cc), and data file (if needed) into
any of the following formats: .gz, .tgz, .zip
- Attatch the compressed file to an email, and send it to:
- If possible, try not to send your code in the body of the email.
- When, sending your robot, let me know if it is ok to allow the other
competitors to have a copy.